Hi there blogging world 2 weeks ago we had a look at this game called interland. Interland is a game all about being cybersmart on the internet. There are 4 levels the levels name's are Mindful Mountain, Tower Of Treasure, Reality River, Kind Kingdom, those are the names of all the 4 levels my favourite level is Tower Of Treasure, because what you can do in Tower Of Treasure is move around with the arrow keys and you have to try get the little bubbles. Here is what I did for my interland DLO. I learned that you have to be Cybersafe on the internet through this fun game.
Hi Bilal my name is Nikhil and my class is Waitamata. I like how said that it was hard to find birds because they were really well camouflaged. Next time you could add more photos. If you would like to see my learning, my blog is http://wpsnikhilg.blogspot.co.nz. blog you later.