Tiritiri Matangi

Hi there Bloggers

Yesterday the senior syndicate went to Tiritiri Matangi and it was really tiring but awesome at the same time we also went in a fairy , we saw a whole lot of birds and we also had a quiz that if you saw that bird then you had to mark it of with a tally chart. The hard thing was that you had to spot the birds and the birds were so camouflage that when you looked up at the sun there were no birds but really there were so much. We also got to see some birds have a little bath. Here are some pictures.
Here is the Kereru 
This is the little fantail


  1. Hi Bilal my name is Nikhil and my class is Waitamata. I like how said that it was hard to find birds because they were really well camouflaged. Next time you could add more photos. If you would like to see my learning, my blog is http://wpsnikhilg.blogspot.co.nz. blog you later.


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